a.A. | disagree |
op cit | at the specified location |
abl. | reject (d) |
Abs | Paragraph |
A.F. | old version |
AFWOG | Law on the abolition of the Fehlsubventionierung |
AG | District Court / corporation |
Terms | Terms and Conditions |
AGBG | Law regulating the right of |
AK (+ Editor) | Commentary on the Civil Code |
Old. | Alternative |
AMVOB | Old house rent regulation Berlin |
N. | Note |
AROV | Office for the Settlement of Open Property Issues |
Article | Article |
Ed | Reprint |
AufzV | Elevator Regulation |
BAG | Federal Labor |
BArbBl. | Bundesarbeitsblatt |
Barthelmess | Housing Kündigungsschutzgesetz, Miethöhe Law: Comment, 5 Edition 1995 |
Bäumgärtel |
Handbook of proof in |
Building Code | Building Code |
BauOBln | Berlin Building Code |
BayObLG | Bavarian Supreme National Court |
BayObLG | Bavarian Supreme National Court, |
BayObLGZ | Decisions of the Bavarian Supreme provincial court in civil matters |
BB | The farm-Bera University of Berlin) |
Behrens | Involving multiple tenants (tenancy at the dissertation, Humboldt University, Berlin) |
BerlinFG | Act on Promotion of Berlin Economy (Berlin Promotion Act) |
Operating | The operation |
BetrKostUV | Operating levy regulation |
BetrVerfG | Betriebsverfassungsgesetz |
Beuermann | Rent Reconciliation Act and amount of the rent law |
BezG | District |
BGB | Civil Code |
BGBl | Bundesgesetzblatt |
BGH | Bundesgerichtshof |
BGHZ | Federal / judgments in civil matters |
Blank / Börstinghaus |
Rent, tenancy and BGB-MHG, 2000 Comment |
BLGBW | Sheets for land, construction and housing law |
Blömeke / Blümmel / |
The modernization and repair |
Blümmel | The modernization and repair |
BMG | Federal Rent Law |
BRAGO | Bundesrechtsanwaltsgebührenordnung |
Brinkmann | Arrears |
Brintzinger | HeizkostenV in Fischer - |
Bruckmann | The daily rental law cases, 1996 |
BSG | Bundessozialgericht |
BTDrucks. | Bundestagsdrucksache |
Bub / Treier |
Manual of business and |
BuW | Operational and economic |
ca | about |
CR | Computers and Law |
DB | The operation |
dB | Decibels |
etc. | like |
DGVZ | German Bailiffs |
i.e. | ie |
DIN | German Institute for Standardization |
DNotZ | German notary journal |
DTZ | German-German law journal |
DWW | German housing |
EGBGB | Introduction to Law |
Imp. | Introduction |
EntschG | Compensation Law |
Emmerich |
Rent, 7 Edition 1999 |
Erman / Jendrek |
Hand this to the Civil |
EStDV | Implementing income - |
e.V. | registered association |
f. | next page |
FamRZ | Magazine for the entire Family |
ff | The following pages |
Fieberg / |
Commentary on the Law on |
Fischer |
Housing Law, as of 1991 |
Fischer-Dieskau / |
Commentary on II |
Footnote | Footnote |
Freyenwald | Heating bill - slightly |
Coll | Laws of the GDR |
GBO | Grundbuchordnung |
GbR | Civil society |
GE | The ownership of land |
gem. | under |
Gene. | Cooperative |
GG | Basic Law for the |
possibly | where |
GCG | Gerichtskostengesetz |
Ltd. | Limited |
GmbHG | Law relating to companies with |
1. GMV | 1. Basic rent regulation |
2. GMV | 2. Basic rent regulation |
Gottwald | Foreclosure |
Gramlich | Housing tenancy after |
GRUR | Intellectual Property Law and |
GVBl. | Law and Ordinance Gazette |
GVG | Gerichtsverfassungsgesetz |
GVKostG | Act on the cost of |
GVW | Law for lasting social |
HaustürWG | Law on the Revocation of the doorstep |
HbgGE | Hamburg real estate |
HeizAnlV | Regulation on energy-saving requirements |
HeizkostenV | Regulation on the consumption - |
Herrlein / Kandel Hard |
ZAP PraxisKommentar |
HGB | Commercial Code |
h.M. | prevailing opinion |
HUW | House and home |
I.á. | commissioned |
i.d.F. | as amended |
i.d.R. | usually |
Insolvency | Bankruptcy Rules |
i.S.d. | in the sense about the |
i.V. | representing |
fifth indent of | in conjunction with |
JurBüro | The legal office |
JuS | Legal Training |
Just | The judiciary |
JW | Juristische Wochenschrift |
JZ | Juristenzeitung |
Automotive | Motor |
KG | Superior Court |
KgaA | Partnership limited by shares |
Kinne | Heating and heating bills, |
idem | Deficiencies in rented rooms, 2 Edition 2000 |
idem | Mietfestsetzung 1 August |
idem | Mietfestsetzung in the new countries after the |
idem | The Wohnraummietvertrag, 3 |
Kohler | Manual of housing rent, |
KreisG | District Court |
Kreuzberg | Manual |
KV | Cost Index (Annex to the GKG) |
KWV | Local apartment management |
l | Liter |
Lammel | HeizkostenV, Commentary 1990 |
idem | Heidelberger Kommentar zum Housing tenancy, 1998 |
Langenberg | Legal ownership of the residential and |
Larenz | General Part of the Civil Code, 7 Edition 1989 |
LG | District Court |
LM | Lindenmaier / Möhring (Ed.), DasNachschlagewerk of the Federal Court in civil matters |
LPartG | Lebenspartnertschaftsgesetz |
LS | Motto |
MDR | Monatsschrift für Deutsches Recht |
mg | Milligrams |
MHG | Law regulating the amount of rent |
Mietprax |
Tenancy in practice, Ed |
4. MietRÄndG | Fourth Tenancy Amendment Act |
MM | Tenant Magazine - tenancy notices |
mm | Millimeter |
Modeng | Modernization and |
MUEG | Rent Transition Act |
MüKo |
Münchener Kommentar zum |
MünchKomm (+ ZPO-Editor) | Münchener Kommentar zur ZPO, |
m.w.N. | with further references |
n.F. | new version |
NJW | Neue Juristische Wochenschrift |
NJWE-MietR | NJW decision rental and service |
NJW-RR | NJW-judicial Report |
NMV | New rent regulation |
NStZ-RR | New Journal of Criminal Law - |
NVersZ | New Journal of Insurance Law |
NVwZ | New Journal of Administrative Law |
NZBau | New Journal of Construction and |
NZM | New Journal of Tenancy |
o.a. | cited |
OHG | General partnership |
OLG | Oberlandesgericht |
ATTITUDES | Oberlandesgericht |
OLG-NL | OLG-law's New Country |
OLGZ | Decisions |
OVG | Oberverwaltungsgericht |
OWi | Misdemeanor |
Palandt |
Civil Code, 60 Edition 2001 |
Peruzzo | Heating bill by |
Pfeifer | The Heizkostenverordnung, 4 Ed 1994 |
idem | The new Heizkostenverordnung, 1989 |
PiG | Partner in conversation, Schriftenreihe |
ppa | by proxy |
qm | Square |
Rädler / Raupach |
Assets in the former GDR |
RE | Right decision |
RG | Law Supreme Court at the right |
RGRK (+ Editor) |
The Civil Code, with particular |
RGZ | Supreme Court jurisprudence in Civil Matters (Volume and page) |
RIM | Legal decisions in the tenancy |
Para. | Recital |
Rouvel | Practice energy conservation information, Series BMBau 04,093. Bonn 1983 |
Rpfleger | The German court clerk |
RPflG | Justice Act |
Rspr. | Court |
S. | Side |
Schilling | New tenancy |
SchlHA | Schleswig-Holstein Show |
Schmid | Handbook of property charges, 5 |
Schmidt-Futterer / |
Housing protection laws, 6 Ed |
Schmidt-Futterer |
Tenancy, comment, 7 Edition 1999 |
Schubart / Coal |
Housing and rental law, as of 1995 |
SchuldRAnpG | Contract Law Amendment Act |
SchuldRModG (not official) |
Draft law for |
v. Seldeneck | Operating costs in leases, 1 Ed |
SiG | Signature Law |
Soergel (+ Editor) |
Civil Code with |
called | named |
Staudinger |
Commentary on the Civil |
Sternel | Tenancy, 3 Ed 1988 |
idem | Modernization of A to Z |
idem | Current tenancy, 3 Edition 1995 |
st. | dispute |
inter alia | including |
UklaG | Law on injunctions for |
UrkRNr. | Urkundsrollennummer |
UStG | Tax Law |
etc. | and so on |
u.U. | may |
VAwS | Berlin regulation on installations handling |
VDE | Association of German Eletrotechniker |
VDI | Association of German Engineers |
VEB | State-owned holding |
VerfGH | Constitutional |
VermG | Assets Act |
VerschG | Missing Persons |
VersR | Insurance |
VG | Administrative |
see | Compare |
VIZ | Journal of Asset and Investment Law |
VO | Regulation |
VOB | Contract Procedures |
Vorbem. | Introduction |
WarnR | Warneyer, The Court |
TRAIL | Act on residential property and the |
WiB | Business law counseling |
WiStG | Economic Criminal Law |
WoBauErlG | Housing |
II WoBauG | Second Housing Act |
WoBindG | Apartment binding law |
WoFG | Wohnraumförderungsgesetz |
Wolf / Eckert | Handbook of Industrial |
WPM | Journal of the Economic and |
WuM | Housing and tenancy |
ZAP-East | Journal of the lawyer's practice |
e.g. | For example, |
ZGB | Civil Code of the GDR |
ZIP | Journal of Business Law |
ZMR | Journal of rental and Space Law |
Zoeller (+ Editor) |
Commentary on Code of Civil Procedure, 24 Edition 1999 |
ZOV | Journal of Unresolved Property Issues |
ZPO | Civil Procedure |
z.T. | partly |
BMA | Foreclosure law |
plus | plus |
zzt. | currently |